I used these troubled times to commit to my dreams

How I finally decided to dedicate myself to be a full-time writer, freelancer, and podcaster

Allegue Wessim
6 min readJun 25, 2020
Photo by Vlad Chețan from Pexels

Back in March, when the lockdown started, and like most of us, I found myself facing multiple choices: Either stay in Berlin and find a job, or changing my path to become a full-time nomad author and freelancer.

To be honest the first weeks, I didn´t do much of thinking or execution.

Instead, I purchased 7 different games of the ´Assasin´s Creed´ franchise. I spent 2 weeks wandering in those different words and historical cities.

But, when it was over, a couple of things were clear:

First I wasn´t much into gaming anymore and second, confinement made me realize that I wasn´t satisfied with the path I was taken.

So like every time I find myself in a picky situation, I turned towards the books that made me change perspectives about life.

From 12 rules of life to predictably irrational, I immersed myself in these books to clear my mind and find my answers.

To clarify this journey I am going to divide into 3 different steps:

1- Recalibration



Allegue Wessim

Unveiling truths about human potential, confidence, and self-discovery. Join me on a journey to unlock your inner strength